I’m very pleased to say that the first in a new series of mixes I’m making has arrived and is ready to listen to via Mixcloud. The inaugural Seven Floors Up sees the astronauts on the Apollo 8 mission rub shoulders with Boards Of Canada, Stanley Kubrick revealing exactly what the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey signifies by way of a phone call with Japanese filmmaker Jun’ichi Yaoi plus the music of Sufjan Stevens, Jen Cloher, Faust, Dr Feelgood, Darker My Love, Erland Cooper & William Doyle , Bombino, Jethro Tull, Bill Callahan and Fred Neil. Additional audio comes by way of All The Presidents Men, American Animals, a news flash chronicling the fall of The Berlin Wall, Gene Hackman and Matt Dillon as Henry Chinaski in Factotum. All in all, much to get stuck in to for musical wellbeing. Click here to listen or hit play below –

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