Looking up
Looking Up is an experimental film serving as a meditative essay on the search for calm. Filmed in London, it’s a reminder to look up and see the beauty that’s just above us.
URL: Vimeo
The London Nobody Knows Now
Using the original documentary film ‘The London Nobody Knows’ presented by James Mason in 1967 and newly shot footage, this film retraces his steps and compares how London has evolved as well as critiquing the original film itself.
Written, Directed and Produced by Douglas Anderson
URL: Vimeo
The 3 Minute Chat Show
A chat show in three minutes that still contains the traditional elements of the format such as guest, sidekick, music act and live audience with brevity the key. Hosted by Douglas and featuring Miles Jupp, David Reed from The Penny Dreadfuls and music from Allo Darlin’ it’s important to remember, why do something in 30 minutes that you can do in 3.
URL: Vimeo
Belle & Sebastian Write About Love
Belle & Sebastian Write About Love is something of an amalgam between a film and television show with Douglas playing the dual roles of host and the band’s stressed out yet pragmatic manager. The production and direction are courtesy of Blair Young and Beth Allan at The Forest Of Black.
URL: YouTube
The Skills of Conversation
The Skills of Conversation is a self help guide to aid verbal and non-verbal communication in an increasingly technologically obsessed world. Due to the frenetic nature of modern life more and more people lack confidence on how to interact with others and in particular how to converse with as much skill and purpose as possible. This episode looks at a particular technique which can prove very useful in social situations – The Heartburn Pause.
Written and Produced by Douglas Anderson
URL: YouTube