Welcome to MrDouglasAnderson.com
The home on the web for writer, broadcaster and film-maker Douglas Anderson. Do have a wander around and enjoy the sights and sounds. Feel free to pop back anytime, no need to ring ahead.z
Never Save a Good Idea
Douglas is a broadcaster, writer, feature film music advisor, and film-maker with over two decades experience on TV and radio. He has also worked in the real world.
Never Save a Good Idea explores how to pursue creative projects while making a living in whatever way you can (sometimes with surprisingly satisfying results).

Left Of The Mainstream: From DIY Film-maker To Public Service Broadcaster
Part memoir and part DIY guide to filmmaking and broadcasting. A book that is as funny as it’s insightful, as honest as it’s helpful. Musicians, film stars, directors, broadcasters and even the President of the USA, he’s met or worked with them all and they’re all in here.
Looking up
Looking Up is an experimental film serving as a meditative essay on the search for calm. Filmed in London, it’s a reminder to look up and see the beauty that’s just above us.

Seven Floors Up
Seven Floors Up is a new series of music mixes via Mixcloud featuring a variety of genres while all the time interspersed with an array of audio clips. From the astronauts on the Apollo 8 mission rubbing shoulders with Boards Of Canada to the football results on the old BBC vidiprinter being married to a backdrop of 60’s instrumental psych, there’s much to get stuck in to.

Stories from St Paul’s
Discover over a thousand years of history in the podcast series Douglas produces and presents for St Paul’s Cathedral. Episodes so far have explored the ghosts rumoured to walk its floors, the films it’s featured in, the many famous figures who have both visited and are buried there and much more.