Here’s some music you don’t have to download illegally or purchase with cash to listen to, it’s the Scared To Dance podcasts on Mixcloud. For those unfamiliar, Scared to Dance is a bi-monthly club night in London where I have enjoyed dj’ing a few times. The club specialises in indiepop, post punk, new wave, sixties and a bit of other stuff besides. I’ve very much enjoyed appearing there and have never been shy at segueing from an alternative guitar track such as All The People I Like Are Those That Are Dead by Felt, to a tune like 98 Cents Plus Cash by Detroit City Limits. It’s just the way I see fit.
There are a great variety of mixes here compiled by not just myself but also 6Music‘s Gideon Coe, poet Simon Armitage, comedian Josie Long, music journalist Pete Paphides and bands such as The Wave Pictures and Allo Darlin’. All these mixes can be found and enjoyed on the site and are well worth a listen.
I’ll leave you with a link to one I compiled featuring the music of amongst others Jeffrey Lewis, Nick Garrie, Stephen Malkmus and The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band. I hope you enjoy it and just to re-iterate, it’s free. Apart from The Metro, The Evening Standard and in some areas of the UK public transport for pensioners I struggle to think what else is these days.
Listen to my Scared To Dance mix here
Choose other Scared To Dance podcasts here.