A couple of interesting and amusing things (I hope) up online this week. Firstly, I was interviewed by my friend Milo McLaughlin (above) for his excellent new site The Clear Minded Creative. I was asked my views on creativity in general and also detail some of my own creative undertakings over the years. The interview can be found here.

Secondly, I popped in to Absolute Radio this week to have a chat about music and a lot more besides with my pal Iain Lee on his nightly show. As ever it was much fun and can be heard on podcast here. I even came up with a song concerning God and parties which had us both in stitches and seems to have gone down very well with the listeners. It can be heard at 1.12.28secs in to the podcast. I must get in to a studio and record it properly.

Image 1 – milomclaughlin.co.uk

Image 2 – absoluteradio.co.uk